I have a clean script, a pitch deck, a half sheet, 1 sheet, and 3 page synopsis', and an 870 slide story board with my captions and A.I. images. The script was polished before I did the story boards and there are some changes in the story not included in the polished script. Should I wait to see what more a prod. company would change for a rewrite, or will they ask that I match the script to the story board before submitting?
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They'll ask for the synopsis, script, and (sometimes) concept art. I've seen lots of projects come in with 10 pages of concept art capturing the look and feel of the story. A few pages of art is easier to digest than 870 slide story board. Don't oversell things!
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I agree with Lindbergh E Hollingsworth - storyboards are really a director's tool and should be created with the director involved. I always try to send the script first alone to get a read as its so easy to read a synopsis and skip the full read if the synopsis doesn't connect. I've seen some artwork or a playlist embedded into a script to enhance the read, which was cool. It's awesome that you have all of these assets and they can all come into play but I always try to get a read of the script out of the gate and then share other assets as requested.