Introduce Yourself : UK Indie Filmmaker Al Carretta by Al Carretta

Al Carretta

UK Indie Filmmaker Al Carretta

Hello everyone,

My name is Al Carretta and I am an independent film producer from the UK. I'm an EdFringe veteran since 1999 and have run the Nightpiece Film Festival which runs during festival time since 2014. We've now shown around 360+ films from directors across the World. When it comes to my own output, filmwise, since 2010, I've written, produced and directed 24 indie features that have been distributed across the World. I work on total spends and strive for purely organic marketing. 2 of my films have completed made their total spends back multiple times over. Others, not so well, but indie film has changed enormously in the past decade. I've also made over 30 shorts and countless music videos. As I have learnt, my ethos and approach is entirely different and I work as a true auteur. I often produce on stage first before translating the production (hence 25 years in EdFringe) to screen and generally am prepared to experiment with an idea just to see what potential It has. This year I delivered my 90s set rap drama 'It Starts In This Room' and my adaptation of Eugene O'Neill's debut one-act play 'Thirst' - both released on Amazon Prime a few weeks ago!

Keep filming!

Al Carretta

Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Al Carretta. I'm impressed every time I read your bio! I just added Thirst to my Prime Video watchlist. I plan on watching it next week. I would watch it this weekend, but it's gonna be really busy with Introduce Yourself Weekend and November Write Club.

Pat Alexander

Hey @Al Caretta, great to meet you! Looks like you have some awesome movies I'm gonna need to check out here soon!

Nick Phillips

Hey Al Carretta! The festival sounds cool, among your many other accomplishments!

Dale Reynolds

Hello, Al Carretta. I am a produced and translated playwright and a screenwriter with one near Hollywood production with some big names interested. I have read your success history and want to ask if you'd be interested in seeing that topic we've all been warned against bringing up at family and bar gatherings discussed and delivered in a farcical setting. THE TRIAL OF GOD is a religious comedy, set i n England. One reader calls it a beautiful comedy. It can be staged or filmed, requires one set - a courtroom - and five actors. If interested, please contact me. Yours sincerely,

Dale Reynolds, American writer in London

Richard "RB" Botto

Always good to see you, Al Carretta

Oualid Zarouala

Hi, have you ever thought of Morocco as a filming destination ? different landscapes, vat exclusion and 30% cash rebate !

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