Acting : Bradley Cooper, Cillian Murphy and the myths of Method acting by Amanda Toney

Amanda Toney

Bradley Cooper, Cillian Murphy and the myths of Method acting

Bradley Cooper, Cillian Murphy and the myths of Method acting
Bradley Cooper, Cillian Murphy and the myths of Method acting
Hopefully, Academy Award winners will be chosen because voters believed in the actors' performances − not because of some meta narrative about their off-screen behavior.
Suzanne Bronson

Thank you for this article Amanda Toney I have always been confused when an actor says, "I am going Method." I was taught Meisner technique in multiple classes. Stanislavksy's "method" was discussed as Meisner is an off shoot of that. I read AN ACTOR PREPARES and no where does he say fully immerse yourself and be an asshole. I am confused when an actor says they lost or gained X amount of weight or do things like have people spoon feed them so they can better understand the character. I am glad this article calls them out.

I have always thought that remaining in character after wrapped for the day is not only unhealthy, it's pretentious. Coming from the theater, there is no possible way I would have the energy to keep that up all through rehearsals and the entire run of the play. Have you noticed that it's always film actors who talk about their preparation and what they put their friends/family/crew through? I agree with the authors, the average working actor doesn't have the luxury. To me, an A lister talking about how they went Method is pretentious and an excuse to be a jerk. I question if these actors even read AN ACTOR PREPARES. Also makes one wonder if may be these actors don't think they have the chops for that role and this is a way of beefing their own confidence up.

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