Introduce Yourself : Introducing myself by Brenda Mohammed

Introducing myself

I am Brenda Mohammed and I received positive feedback for my pitch for my sci-fi thriller Zeeka Chronicles, but they passed on it. I am not concerned about that at the moment because I am wondering if we should be worried about what is taking place in Los Angeles. The raging fires have destroyed many homes, buildings, and even lives. Will this affect movie-making in Hollywood? I am deeply concerned about this. My sister and her husband are Spanish Professors in colleges in LA., and they have been living there for 45 years. If any of you live in Los Angeles can you tell us about the situation today?

Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Brenda Mohammed. Congratulations on getting positive feedback for your pitch!

I heard that productions in LA stopped, but I also heard that things will be picking back up.

Here are some resources and info that might help your sister, her husband, and others:

Suzanne Bronson

The neighboring states are open for business. Arizona did pass tax incentives. (Though now there's a lawsuit)

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