Hi Everyone! I just arrived here at Stage32. Like most newbies I am finding my way around the stage. Just a little about me. I work as an independent contractor with a printing company. I also produce a You Tube show titled Front Street Newz Quepeaz Style. My stage name is Que Pea (Cue Pea). The show talks about various indie artist in the music industry.Google Que Pea and you will see what I do. I enjoy being online and meeting new people. I don't care for much BS and I don't like Spammers. I treat others the way I appreciate being treated. I plan to grow my audience here and hope to meet some really cool people. It's lonely being creative. It would be cool to connect with others who enjoy creating entertaining projects. Thanks for the invite. Peace.
Thanks Curt, this was a cool idea to create this. I am excited to be a part of it.