Introduce Yourself : The scriptwriter's journey by Emanuele Vergari

Emanuele Vergari

The scriptwriter's journey

Hello everyone, my name is Emanuele Vergari and I start with this post the journey of the screenwriter. I live and work in Florence, Italy. It is nice to imagine, to imagine worlds, feelings, falls and rebirths, desires, to enter with my inner camera into the daily life of characters. This is writing for me. It is not an escape from reality, it is an act of empathy with the human being. The film projects I write are open to any changes necessary for production, and I welcome suggestions from everyone, professionals and users in the film world. I have no 'author jealousy'. I am willing to work with other writers and producers on a commission/revenue sharing agreement. I believe in the film project as first and foremost a human experience, especially teamwork in constant collaboration with the producer, director, other writers, cinematographer, casting director and actor coach. I am currently (2025) writing a comedy genre screenplay, a biopic genre screenplay and two short films.

Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Emanuele Vergari. I hope you're doing great. You're right. It's nice to imagine worlds, feelings, falls and rebirths, desires and enter the daily life of characters. That's one of the fun things about outlining, writing, and rewriting. What are you working on?

Emanuele Vergari

Hi Maurice Thank you for your attention. I have submitted a script for an action short film and am working on another short film. I am writing two feature film scripts, a comedy and a biopic. I write in Italian and then translate it into English and hope to have it published in English on stage32 by September. How is your work progressing?

a greeting


Kat Spencer

Welcome Emanuele Vergari! I love that "It is not an escape from reality, it is an act of empathy with the human being." Beautiful :)

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Emanuele Vergari. I hope you reach your goal to have your scripts published in English on Stage 32 by September!

My projects are coming along well. I'm rewriting two feature scripts, outlining another feature script, and writing a short script.

Where did you submit your Action short script?

Emanuele Vergari

it's here

If you are available, we can work together on the respective texts.

Maurice Vaughan

Ok, I'm about to check it out, Emanuele Vergari.

Emanuele Vergari

Thank you, I look forward to your comments. :-)

Ed McDonald

Welcome Emanuele! This is the right place for people who are looking for good opportunities.

Richard "RB" Botto

Lovely IY post, Emanuele Vergari. Hopefully you're already finding the sense of community strong here. Look forward to seeing you around.

Emanuele Vergari

Hi @Richard "RB" Botto I am starting to participate in the stage32 community with interest , give my input and find important professional possibilities. A high wave lifts all boats.

Richard "RB" Botto

Love your collaborative spirit, Emanuele Vergari.

Sam Rivera

Hi Emanuele Vergari it's great to have you on the community with thus! Would love to see your work!

Emanuele Vergari

Hi Sam I have a short script published here

Emanuele Vergari

hi Ed McDonald maybe with your production company? :-))

Ed McDonald

I would love to take a look at it!

Emanuele Vergari

thanks Ed McDonald I have a short script published here

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