Screenwriting : Finding an Agent by Jesse Dean

Jesse Dean

Finding an Agent

I have been thinking about getting an "Agent" however, I do not know the steps for finding one. I would also like to know how their fees work etc. If anyone can give me a run down on what to expect and general information I should know in getting an agent I would be grateful for some info. peace!

Jesse Dean

Alright thank you David and Dan... that was the very helpful information I was looking for. What are the best avenues for getting a descent manager if I went that route? and should I stay local?

Sandra Campbell

I've heard that most managers get 15 percent. My good friend got a manager first, so it's probably a good rule of thumb. But, how do you find a manager? I'm an actor and screenwriter, so could a manager cover both career tracks?

Chris Keaton

Write something that sells. Or write something that is produced and is a hit. Then you won't have to go looking. :0

Jesse Dean

That all depends Chris... some agencies still will not even look at it unless you are represented on a professional level and standard. You are correct though- your chances are even greater if you are good.

Chris Keaton

What I meant was that you can get one once you prove you don't need one. :)

Chris Keaton

So if I have a script with a Producer/Director attached and ready to go they would check me out?

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