I'm a Writer, Creator and Director Who is tired of these so call Filmmaker who claims they have who and what it takes to make a movie or a TV project. I live and operate in Atlanta metro area, I've decided to start my own production company. My company will operate with Honor and Integrity. I am asking for your help. I know the operation and layouts / fundamentals of a production company, but not how to start one IE all thats needed, people/crew and equipment. I need this information to help me create a business plan, if anyone has a guideline on how to create the perfect Filmmaker business plan PLEASE share it with me. I do have a few people who wants to be in my company, but I don't have funds for payroll or equipment. For now I'm offering pay after the fact (Sale) and employees must have their own equipment(s) , any suggestions? Juan PETE Diaz jadpeteMovieBizz@gmail.com
I hear what your saying. I pretty much did the samething, though I am in the voiceover & post-production end. It's fun and exciting to create something that is totally you - best of luck.
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You don't need a "filmmaker" business plan, you need a business plan. Starting a prodCo is no different than starting any business. You don't need people or equipment to start a prodCo - you can hire on a per job basis and rent on a per job basis. So go to the Atlanta small business association to learn all about starting a business. They can even help you find out where to get a business loan.
You're so right. I don't know what I was thinking, disparate I guess. Thank you. I appreciate you.
You're so right. I don't know what I was thinking, disparate I guess. Thank you. I appreciate you.