Filmmaking / Directing : A new style of setting up your projects by Patrick "pH" Hampton

Patrick "pH" Hampton

A new style of setting up your projects

The creative side of film has changed a lot in the past 20 years. You need to know both sides. The rag to riches stories are over. The people that are making it don't just have a talent but also a drive to push forward. You need to be well rounded with your projects and pitches. Here are 3 pointers from a young gun doing his thing in Hollywood. 1. Your name is your worth - Value means everything in this town. Festival wins, projects, titles held on set, who you worked with, and following. 2. Be prepared to play ball - Understand both sides of the table. A lot of people talk in this town, few put into action. The question is "How can I help you." 3. Use social networking to your advantage. - With access to millions of people online we can get out name out quicker virally than on a street handing out CD's of a work. Social networking is the new hustle.

Patrick "pH" Hampton

I used these ideas to set up my project the Rise of Kings. It just came off its first festival win. I left the script up too so people can see an example of an award winning script. Writing and format doesn't have to be prefect to win at something.

Rob Moore

Way to go Patrick for being so open and honest with your are doing alot of good just posting info out there and helping many. Keep up the great job of creating and communicating. Wishing you all the best, Rob

Patrick "pH" Hampton

Thanks Rob. Just trying to share my knowledge and lessons I have learned being out in LA for a year. My goal was to crack the Hollywood code in a year. But hopefully soon it will crash. :-)

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