If you have a screenplay that you'd like to see come to life, send me your script and let's see if we can make it happen! I'm a Producer in MI but work all over. My direct email is: paula.fournier@live.com
If you have a screenplay that you'd like to see come to life, send me your script and let's see if we can make it happen! I'm a Producer in MI but work all over. My direct email is: paula.fournier@live.com
How are you doing Paula? What work have you done thus far?
Hello Paula. Sent you a message. Cheers!
Paula, two sample scripts for your perusal (and any other's eyes that so desire) can be read in pdf @ my profile location on Stage 32... I have quite a few other scripts -- ranging from thriller to science-fiction to horror (mild to hard core), from high-concept to specific scripts aimed @ those working in low budget production(s). Feel free to float through my profile for additional information on what I do. I dig networking from script to scream. Feel free to contact me with any interest(s).
What kind of script are you looking for? I have a low budget, limited cast and location horror with a talented director already attached (well he optioned it). We just need a producer. The director is, 'Alex Lugones' who directed my horror short, 'The Devil's Toy'. http://www.sprocketboy.com/thedevilstoy/ If you are interested in learning more please feel free to shoot me a message. Thanks!
Before I send a script to just anyone, I must first qualify that person. I also don't submit scripts w/o a ND/NC document, first. This is how IP is stolen or plagarized. And I never post an entire script online with anyone!!
http://www.stage32.com/profile/61289/scripts_screenplays 10 short stories. Think of them as treatments. I don't do screenplays. Most of these stories are published. Looking over your Desert Island Movies, perhaps 'The Death of Print', might appeal to you or, 'Three Zombies & A Baby'. 'Neighborhood of Love', is a tear jerker. Take a bit of tweaking to work these to film. No big deal. It's the emotions that really count. 'The Sailor' is currently being scripted by a Stage32 member. I will rewrite to a story format closer to film requirements if needed - ( to present tense, less deus ex machina and will rein in Heathcliffian moments) . You can steal any of them, just pay me what you think is fair when they hit a couple of million over initial production costs. I trust you. - måx