Acting : Help by Tony Roberts

Tony Roberts


can anyone in the uk help me get my life further out i have 4 kids and no work and all i have ever wanted is to be in films etc, can anyone help me make it?, thanks and its a lot to ask i know.

P Daniel Bel-Tempo

Anthony: What have you done in the way of other types of work. The acting business, until you're known, you're prey for the industry. I'm a dad of two children and had to work on not what I liked but what I hated to support my family. When did you get involved in this profession? As far as having a job it's a horrible world. I was once unemployed for 39 straight months. My only survival was taking on temporary work. Life is cruel. If you haven't taken agency work until now. My advice is to get for it.

Tony Roberts

thanks daniel, what agency's would you advise me to use in liverpool uk?, do you have any ideas?, thanks from anthony

P Daniel Bel-Tempo

First, do you have this industry in the U.K.? If so, the ones in the US OF A are Manpower, Kelly and a group of others. They may have gone international. If not, I'm sure you can find the U.K.s companies in the information pages. Also, look up temp work on the internet.

David McDonnell

Thanks for the add

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