Acting : Recasting for The Lighthouse Movie by Rick Climenhaga

Rick Climenhaga

Recasting for The Lighthouse Movie

I was asked by the producer to pass this on, we start shooting next Friday and they want to recast a few roles. the contact info is at the bottom. CAST DEREK 25-35: One of 7 friends who journey to the lighthouse. ripped body and outdoorsmen type who is resourceful and a quick thinker. JESSICA 25-35: One of 7 friends who journey to the lighthouse. Jessica is the girlfriend of Trip. Jessica never expects Trip or Carries nefarious plot to have the group killed. Must be very attractive. LINDSEY 30's: Lindsey is the owner of the canoe shop where the group rents their canoes. Lindsey is also secretly related to Carrie and Trip who she teams with to help kill the others. Must be toned and attractive. Daniel 50's or 60's: Driven out of the town by Duncan and forced to work as a bartender nearby. Daniel forms his own plot to get even with Duncan. Send headshots to

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