Financing / Crowdfunding : Cheerleaders vs. Rednecked Zombies Web series by Meredith Prunty

Meredith Prunty

Cheerleaders vs. Rednecked Zombies Web series

"Cheerleaders vs. Redneck Zombies" is intended to be a web series - frightening, funny, campy, gory, and shamelessly fun. Writer/director Jason Bachand, an avid fan of the horror genre, was inspired by campy classics like "Return of the Living Dead," "Chopping Mall," and "Jack Frost." The series will capitalize on the recent popularity of zombies but add a wry, tongue-in-cheek sense of cynical humor to the genre. The project is being officially produced by Art Aperitif Productions, LLC. We intend to start shooting in September 2012 if our funding goal is met. Pre-production is proceeding very smoothly, we have cast all of our principal players and secured locations and contracts for a New Media production. Our primary location is an actual abandoned summer camp on Crystal Pond (no joke) in Eastford, Connecticut. Among the talented people who've contracted to star in the project are Meredith Prunty (below), recently in the Marcus Nispel film "Backmask," New York stage actess Elizabeth Percy, Brian Farmer, Savannah Reinitzer, and Andy Grant. We're raising funds for the following: A modest wardrobe budget to be used for second-hand cheer uniforms A larger budget for professional makeup and gore SFX. This objective is key, as we expect the success or failure of the project t hinge greatly on how realistic and impressive our zombie gore is. We have approached Providence-based C.Smith-SFX for this job and they are ready to sign on once we have a budget. They've provided a very reasonable estimate of cost for some pretty cool SFX. A shotgun mic and portable mixer for recording dialogue on location. If we get lucky, enough funds to have our raw footage professionally color-graded, edited, and rendered for DVD. If the pilot episode is a success, our hope is to use advertising monetization on Youtube to generate better budgets and expand our marketing and publicity efforts. We're open to corporate sponsorship (yes, we will find a way to put your product in our film). Right now, we're using social media to generate a buzz and build an audience.

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