Introduce Yourself : Not as glamorous as people think... by Steve Freeman

Steve Freeman

Not as glamorous as people think...

Hi, I'm Steve Freeman and I'm a writer on a sitcom. We're in the middle of production and t's been a 60 hour work week so far and there's talk about coming in this weekend. I love what I do but I'm on no sleep. What do you wanna know?

Joe Thomas

Emerging playwright/writer here in NYC. Would love to hear about how to "break in" to TV writing.

Darlene Lewis

Would love for you to call into the radio show sometimes and talk about your work click on radio tab for details.

Steve Freeman

Joe, to "break in" to TV writing, you need to decide if you're an hour drama writer, a half hour comedy writer - multi-cam or single cam - , or a dramedy writer. You then need to write a pilot spec. It used to be you needed to write a spec for a specific new, hot sitcom, but lately, that's changed. Agencies and management co's want to see original material that still complies with formula. KNOW THE FORMULA. for your genre. (Someone recently sent me a multi-camera sitcom spec with a 15 page cold open! No one would read that). Anyway, that's Step 1 from a writing standpoint. From a non-writing standpoint I'd recommend getting your butt to LA and get a job working on a show.

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