I'm a relic of a by gone era and young! I produce/edit/direct RADIO drama/comedy. Currently, I'm going to be going into production of The Headless Horseman for Halloween and then going on to a Christmas Special that includes an adaptation of a current children's book. Will share more once I can. Cast is almost set and I will announce it here. I also host a weekly radio show for WJCU radio on Saturday from 11 to 1. Look me up sometime. You might get the name of the new Christmas Special if you listen in!
Great stuff. I've hosted radio and TV and heck I tried being funny at times but did work. www.MondoProductions.com
It has been a while since I've posted. I now have three chapters completely done of Kringletown Chronicles and the fourth is being written. I couldn't be more proud. I'm looking to publish the scripts for performance. Any recommendations of a script house that would be interested in radio scripts?