Introduce Yourself : Hello everyone! by Wendy Anderson

Wendy Anderson

Hello everyone!

I'm a screenwriter, playwright, and theatre arts educator for the past several years here in the DC metro area. I work with Women in Film and Video Washington to coordinate script readings for ScriptDC, our annual screenwriters conference, which has been growing by leaps and bounds. This year will be especially exciting because ScriptDC will coincide with the Women in Film and Television International Summit, and is sure to attract industry leaders in all facets of the filmmaking. Come join the fun! It's November 30-December 2 and is open to any and all participants. You can get the first five pages of your script read by terrific professional actors, and critiqued by our panels of established producers and screenwriters. We also have pitch sessions in which you can practice and get valuable feedback. And of course there are a variety of panel discussions and workshops on everything from comedy writing to financing to producing your own movie. Check us out at! And if you're a DC area actor and are interested in reading for us, drop me a line here. All the best to you as your pursue your dreams.

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