I write two mystery series for Obsidian, a division of Penguin in New York. The Dead-End Job Mysteries feature private eyes Helen Hawthorne and her husband, Phil Sagemont. They're are set in Ft. Lauderdale and the latest one, "Final Sail," got a good review in the New York Times. The Josie Marcus Mystery Shopper mysteries take place in my hometown of St. Louis. I've published 18 mysteries and my newest one comes out in November. I also host a weekly half-hour talk show on Radio Ear Network called the Dead-End Jobs Show (radioearnetwork.com). The show is named after my mystery series. I interview people with offbeat and unusual jobs. Radio Ear Network has about 7 million listeners in 148 countries. I'm on the lookout for interview subjects. If you have an unusual occupation and think you'd be a good talker, contact me and I'll run it by my producer. The links to listen to past shows are at www.elaineviets.com.