Introduce Yourself : Hello from the San Francisco Bay Area! by Darva Campbell

Darva Campbell

Hello from the San Francisco Bay Area!

I'm Darva Campbell ... of Once Upon a Thyme Productions. We're based in the bay area and are in mid-production on a feature (Writer's Cramp). You can find our website at or see our production stills and keep up with where we are in the process on Facebook at We are planning some commercial shoots once production is completed, before we start our next feature. We've got a fabulous group of people - all having fun together - and would love to add more Bay Area moviemakers to our "friends" list. If you're local - get in touch!

Mara Sanchez

Hi Darva, nice to meet you and hear of your work.

Darva Campbell

Thanks, Mara. Where are you?

Darva Campbell

I'm in Burlingame - about 5 miles south of SFO . . . We spent about a week in the city filming, but the PARKING! Much easier here on the Peninsula ... I'm waving back. Love to have a new writing partner/editor/bounce ideas, etc...

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