Introduce Yourself : Mr. Cedric Nash by Cedric Nash

Cedric Nash

Mr. Cedric Nash

Hello everyone i am Mr. Cedric Nash. I am the voice of Blue Collar Wrestling. I have been doing commentary for Professional Wrestling for almost 5 years. I also do PA announcing for Football and Basketball. In 2012 I have done a lot of projects. Leverage season 5 as a extra,Lady .38 Extra, Big AL'S TV Commercial a speaking role,Big Daddy's OT Commercial feature extra,Bad Signs Film Speaking role Coming 2013. I am looking to grow as a personality. and I am available for future projects! You can see me on Have a great weekend everyone!

Mara Sanchez

Cedric, this sounds exciting.

Cedric Nash

Thank you Mara How about you?

Mara Sanchez

I'm working at more auditions for recurring roles or guest roles, under fives is the first stop on this rollercoaster~ (:

Cedric Nash

Great! I am rooting for you! check me out here

Mara Sanchez

Thanks Cedric, btw the youtube looks cool.

Cedric Nash

Thank you! Do you have a youtube?

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