Financing / Crowdfunding : Anyone up for a new idea on how to get your Indiegogo or Kickstarter project out there to the masses... by Sj Heckscher

Sj Heckscher

Anyone up for a new idea on how to get your Indiegogo or Kickstarter project out there to the masses...

There a number of campaigns going on right now. I can think of four or five that are either amongst the people I know, or have come across through people I know. Now everyone with a project has a twitter account with a number of followers. From a few hundred, to a few thousand. Everyone loves retweets, but ask yourself this, how many retweets do you think actually result in dollars for your campaign? Sure it's great to have retweets, your friends and others care enough about your project to retweet it. BUT... a few thousand, a few hundred followers get to see these retweets? What if you apply the principles of a union to the case. Everyone who has a crowd-funding project bands together, and for one day, they concentrate all their tweet efforts on one project. Suddenly thousands and thousands of followers are getting the message. And while you are spreading the message widely amongst the people, your project is being seen. Friends of your followers see the message in their friends' feed. Say you have 10,000 followers, wouldn't it be better to reach 100,000 followers? There is a blog resource which works in much the same way, Triberr. My blog posts reach my readers and through my 'Tribe' a potential 15,000 other readers. Co-operation to spread the word.

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