Hi Everyone! I'm a producer in Vancouver with four television series, two features series, and one animated franchise in development! I know, that's a lot to be working on - but you never know when somethings gonna give. I'm looking to connect with passionate and intelligent people in this crazy business.
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Good on you, Rachelle! You don't get anywhere without trying, and you are certainly doing that. Fingers crossed for total success for you and your projects!
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Welcome to crazy land! I love that you hard busy and keep going,we're in a similar situation where you do it for the love and know something will pay off! :)
Welcome, Rachelle. Look forward to seeing you around!
Hey Rachelle - are these your projects or do you freelance? Are your series local to Vancouver, or where can I find your shows in North Carolina?
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I think it's great to put all your passions into play.
Hi Rachelle, if you need audio post/sound design on any of your many projects, give me a shout. Would be great to work together.