Hey everyone, Tyler here. You like to laugh? Come check out my YouYube channel, www.nanoshorts.com. Who else has a youtube channel on here?
Hey everyone, Tyler here. You like to laugh? Come check out my YouYube channel, www.nanoshorts.com. Who else has a youtube channel on here?
yes I have a channel for a bit of fun http://www.youtube.com/thosevideoguystv
Cool channel! I subscribed Elisar! Thanks for letting us know about it
Ha! That was funny Tyler. I subscribed! I have a channel, but it's only got the clips from my movie on it right now, but it should get much cooler in the next year or two! I won't be offended if you don't subscribe :p http://www.youtube.com/user/classicyouththeatre?feature=mhee
Hey Loralie! Thanks for subscribing! We post new videos every Sunday. And I'll definitely check out your channel to and subscribe! :D
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Thanks Tyler! I like funny and you make me laugh. I'll share your channel. Nice work!
That would mean so much to me! Thanks a bunch Loralie!!!!
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You're very welcome Tyler. I liked your whole approach with this. It was polite, it was give and take and you're work is funny. Thumbs up!
I appreciate that. There are a lot of people on YouTube, so I always like to who else is out there trying to do the same thing I'm doing. YouTube is a very supportive community. We love giving back.
That's awesome!
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tahehe... Funny stuff!
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Great channel Milo. You certainly have an ear for score. Keep up the great work. I subscribed by the way!
Both my clients have YouTube channels. Please check them out. www.youtube.com/user/DaywaltFearFactory www.youtube.com/user/OwletPictures
Thanks guys! Gabrielle, thanks for subscribing. I subbed back!
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Hi Guys, I have a few, this is my latest reel http://youtu.be/E9tQzE3ReIg
I have been on YouTube for a while ( www.youtube.com/BrigidMhairi ) and love it. Everyone goes there to look for film clips and music so yeah- good to have a channel. :)
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Really enjoyed the shorts- particularly the silent. Cracker closing "line". :P
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My channel there is http://youtube.com/SigersonLTD
I have a sketch comedy YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/TheSketchThis
Very cool I checked out your channel and subscribed. I like that you keep your sketches short. I don't really use youtube anymore for my film stuff but my personal channel is @Tiffy4u or http://www.youtube.com/HopelesslyAwkward