Distribution : Moondance International Film Festival by Lori Romero

Lori Romero

Moondance International Film Festival

My short film SURREAL ESTATE is in the Moondance International Film Festival. The short will be screened on September 15 at 6PM in NYC's Tribeca Cinemas. If anyone is in the area, please stop by and say hello as I'll be there!! Anyone else screening their film there? http://moondancefilmfestival.com/

Jack Niedenthal

I'll be there, my film is showing on Friday the 14th. The Sound of Crickets at Night.

Lori Romero

Congratulations, Jack!! Darn - I'm not getting in until Sat. (I'm in rehearsal for the musical "Working" so my director graciously is letting me off for a quick visit) - I'm so, so sorry to miss yours...I want to support all in this group. Hopefully it will be in another fest and I'll be able to see it. Again, congrats! L

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