Success Stories: SEP'18 On a hope and a dream....

LB McGill

On a hope and a dream....

So Sometime in August ~I think it was, I came to stage 32 on a hope and a dream. My theatre shut down in the summer of 2011 and I had spent the year trying my hand at film making. I didn't know what I would find here, but I knew it was going to be something special, and if I just looked hard enough, something special I would find! Well... I FOUND IT!!! A few weeks ago I went looking for a storyboard artist for a film I had in development. Through that post I met Emanuel Camacho. He set me up with a storyboard artist, but in that discussion he mentioned (to someone else) that he had a publishing company for children's books. Lighting struck! It just so happens that I had a children's novella I had been sitting on for years. In our first interview about the artist, I gave him my book "Winkie and the Sunflower". The next day he sent me an e mail to tell me that he read the story and LOVED IT!!! I just signed my contract with Haven KIDS an off shoot of Haven Publishing last week!!! Not only that but Emanuel (Manny) and I have one movie in production and two others in development! It can happen folks DARE TO DREAM!!!

Ray Anthony Martinez

That's awesome! Congrats!

LB McGill

lol Ray, you're awesome, you're always the first one to see everything! Thank you! yes! I'm very excited! The novella comes out next fall- it's in artistic development until then :)

Emanuel F. Camacho, Pmp

Hard working people always find each other, and cause each other to work harder and smarter at getting better at their craft. But to piggy back your statement...I do love this website...

Kira George

Inspiration! :)

LB McGill

it's kind of like OZ- the place you come to find what you always had... :)

Gianna Isabella

That's great news-, which provides great inspiration! Thanks for sharing!!

LB McGill

Go get'em Gianna!

James Holzrichter

Great news!!! Grats !! :)

Johanna Marshall

Fan-taz-ma-gor-ick!!!!!! Whoever said Pipedreams?????Well they're now in the pipeline my dear........Great success to you & onward......

LB McGill

ya'll are awesome. Thanks guys!

Chris Cotten

That's amazing! GO LORALIE!! Congratulations. I look forward to next year, and to hearing more about it :)

Tabitha Baumander

and thats just the begining. wait till the world gets a load of The Watcher.

LB McGill

@Chris thank you ~ the art work for the book will be in development for a year a long with the novella so we'll all get to see it grow. I'll keep you updated. @Tabitha The Watcher by Tabitha Baumander... coming soon :)

LB McGill

and if ya have a chance... I have a fan page, it's a little embarrassing with only 14 likes. lol I haven't done any push on it because I only made it so I could separate my friends and family from my work, which is getting to be "all too much" so I don't push it on FB among them, I didn't even really invite them except for one public post. It would be nice if I had a wweeee little bit more of a following before the book comes out. couldja give a girl a little bit of a base with a "like"? and it's a work in progress... also Haven KIDS is brand new to face book and could use a "push" as well. :) thanks guys :)

Mark Ratering

Very good !!!! Maybe we can make a movie you know where Winkie is a cereal (you know kids cereal) killer. I know that you will take this start .... and finish !!!!

LB McGill

@ Mark :p what?

Mark Ratering

Just saying :goood Shoooow!!!!

Michael Garland


LB McGill

ah well Thanks Mark! and thanks Michael!

Earl Rivard

Not only on a hope and a dream but some hard work and perserverence. CONGRATS!

LB McGill

Thanks Earl, yes, it's been a long 49 years lol. I dropped out of school in the 9th grade, hitchhiked all over the country for three years, got married at 18- it's not been an easy road and I traveled it as a single mother for a good bit of time with no other resources than my own wits. I've never ever stopped learning and developing, read everything I could get my hands on. I've worked hard at my craft and my education (although entirely self taught) I spent years and years and years, producing and directing on nothing and never let my pen leave a page for long. It's when preparation meets opportunity :) I'm ready!

Che Pierre

Congrats on you're book and your deal. Networking and making connections really helps. This is why I love to network. Looking forward to building.

LB McGill

Thanks Maleche :) same here!

Earl Rivard

LB... I think there's a story there to be told! LOL!

Cotillón Tostada

Congrats on your book! We are looking forward to read it :)

LB McGill

@Earl- yeah right?! It's a commin. The hitch hiking stories are especially anticipated. Little Loralie cuts a pretty daring figure travlin round the country with her guitar in the late 1970's. Lots of adventures, lots of tales to tell. @Cltillon- Thanks we'll keep you posted :)

Earl Rivard

Sounds like "Little Orphan Loralie Goes Trippin'"... it'll be a "must read"! Maybe an Oprah Fav!

LB McGill

Loralie goes parent-less, usually shoeless and definitely up to no good! Who could resist! :)

Alan Pae

Good for you!

LB McGill

Thanks Alan!

Sean Brian

So happy for you. Great Story !!

W. Paul Hughes

Well, sweet-T, you made it:) Hoorah! I'm so proud for you. When one of us gets the green-light we all win. I know I'm going to connect too. Charge on Loralie.

LB McGill

@ Sean~ Thanks! @Paul, aw thank you Paul :)

LB McGill

haha~ well, it's just the one book for now. I am shooting a movie in November. It's called Dead Serious, and it's NOT based on any children's story- lol

Ozzie Stewart

SOOOOOO very happy for you LB

Tabitha Baumander

this woman is a dynamo

LB McGill

aw, thanks guys. Feeling a little stalled out at the moment. Dead Serious hit a bump. We only have 65 hours left on the campaign, any help you could give would be awesome, thanks guys.

Chris H Stevenson

Way to knock it out of the park! Lots of opportunities here, loaded with specialized talent and skills.

LB McGill

Thanks Chris!

Agatha Hergest

@tabitha - being a petrol-head, I would prefer the term alternator; smaller and more efficient. But I get your point. Alternator sounds like she swings both ways - all I know, indeed, all I need to know, is that she's electric!

LB McGill

ah Andrew! I've missed you! :p I've been absent, my apologizes. I took DEAD SERIOUS, a non commercial short, and turned it into a commercial feature. Still developing the script, which is strong now, but I'm making stronger. :) it's nice to check in and see everyone!

Agatha Hergest

That'll teach you to bunk target practice then, won't it? XXX

Johanna Marshall

Many Congratulations Loralie!!! NEVER let anyone shed a "too old", "not enough of this, too much of that", "work outdated in concept", etc....etc....etc........You know that one peanut at the bottom of the can that's not like all the others??????? That's the way to go............looking forwrard to your success!!!!!!!!!!!

LB McGill

Thanks Johanna! Things are moving in a very positive direction. We have a public reading of the script with The Encinitas Theatre Consortium at the Encinitas library on November 19th. The cast has been great, the script is running smoothly after some re- organizing and I'm making some great contacts. I have a potential crew looking over the script this weekend, they're thinking of jumping on as investors... that would be very good. not getting my hopes up just yet though :)

Tabitha Baumander

oh go ahead get your bopes up. Maybe reality will take a hint. =+)

LB McGill

that's right TAB!!!

Valerie Michele Oliver

Congratulations! So much awesomeness I just have to blush! ~Valerie Michele

LB McGill

Thanks Valerie! Update on the book. Thins are moving along we have a couple af artists submitting work for consideration and it's getting very exciting!

Anikka Forbes

Well Done

LB McGill

Thanks Anikka!

Edward Leech

LB, Looking for a fresh start after being shut down, and doing you best to reach out and make some connections....something admirable and encouraging for all of us. Reminder of Thomas many times did it take to find the perfect filament for the light bulb? Several thousand, but he (and his team) succeeded. It takes a lot of connections to make it in this business.

LB McGill

Yes it does Edward!

LB McGill

Thanks John!

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