I was about to introduce myself as a filmmaker, but that wouldn't be accurate. Currently I'm more of a filmpusher - a filmmaker on hold. I finished making my latest film SEDONA over a year ago and since have been navigating this crazy, unpredictible new world of DIY distribution, where nobody really knows anything and every minute of every day is learning, experimenting and discovering what works and what doesn't (I glady accept advice and tips). I spend most of my time trying to figure out how to convince people out there to fork over a tiny piece of their hard earned money for the "privilege" of watching my "masterpiece", working toward the necessary recoupment so that I may get the chance to do it all over again and once again be a filmmaker. :)
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I sympathize with your situation Tommy. People will say that we make art for the love of doing it. Unfortunately there's a price to be paid to bring art to the world.
I'm going to to purchase and view your movie Tommy. I just download from the website, correct? I will spread the word for you too! As a good friend always says, we are ALL in this together :)
Thank so, so much, Carole!! Yes, in Canada, you can see it on iTunes or directly from our website. We are all in this together, and as I'm discovering, there are A LOT of us!!