Introduce Yourself : Balancing Work, Networking, and Children :) by Emanuel F. Camacho, Pmp

Emanuel F. Camacho, Pmp

Balancing Work, Networking, and Children :)

Hello Stage 32, I am Emanuel F. Camacho, PMP - I've been networking, sharing, and participating in many topics for a few months now. I wanted to say hello, and also - apologize - for not being as active over the last 2 weeks. Reason being - I have gained quite a lot of work from this site... This is a good thing.., So in introducing myself in this manner, which I have yet to do - I decided to go ahead and state to everyone new to this site (this can mostly be directed to a few colleagues, friends, and family in the industry I have referred here) USE THE SITE! Post your experience, your credits, add your reels, join conversations.....point being - open your mouth (rather, move your fingers and type). speak up, if you have an opinion that has been asked in something you have experience in...say something. If you want to ask questions - do it...In my opinion - don't focus so much on selling yourself, as much as you should actually try and make real networking connections. Even if you have representation, management, publicists, bonded legal...what-have-you...I have those things, but I still network like nobodies business... For those of you I have yet to meet (I'm sure there are many) - I'm a Project Manager turned Producer & Writer in all media. Film, Animation, Gaming, Books, and now I'm venturing into my first Album which will be completed in October with the lovely Nabyl Sohle. I have quite a few films i'm working on @ the moment, a couple are independent. I am developing 2 series, one for HBO - which is not very easy at all...and one for nickelodeon. I'm co-founding a gaming studio called Gateship Studios with Clint Miles, Alexis Cruz (Skaara from Stargate), Brian Dunningham and Christopher Judge (Teal'c from Stargate) and returning two properties to the market, one which is a Stargate License and the other called Metamorphosis Alpha with Reuben Langdon at the head of the gaming development with Just Cause Entertainment; along with my own company Haven Entertainment. I am a published author, and I try to write everyday and work on my next set of books, one of them my science fiction epic - which (if I am vigilant) will be completed by the end of 2013...along with other books I am writing and co-authoring. I still attend as a guest a variety of events on gaming, animation, literature, and other multi-genre markets. I also own through my gaming company a service based company that provides massive event services to concerts and conventions of the same type as the above. I coordinated the Lady Gaga concert in South Florida in 2011, as well as other concerts for Ultra and Winter Music Festivals, including chairing as it's event manager and musical producer, the largest street party in the world, Calle Ocho, for two years in Miami's Little Havana (8+ Million people). As a producer, I do my very best to build my budgets, I've developed over 21 million in fiscal dollars for the films, series, and game's I've produced and also developed over 300 million for the city of Miami in conjunction with the Japanese Business Association that earned me a Key to the City awarded by the then Mayor of Miami, Manuel Diaz. I love Martial Arts (I've studied vigorously since I was 4 and have lived in Beijing, Bangkok, and Okinawa), Horror films (I have over 1000 Horror DVD's), 80's movies (John Hughes, Ridley & Tony Scott, Cameron, Lucas, Spielberg, even Kubric before them), I'm a Hitchcock nut, I love Scientific Research, Physics, Medicine (I have a degree in Biology) - I support our troops, right or wrong in terms of leadership - they do their jobs, and I hope they all come home (I was one of them once)...I adore my family, and do my best to work from home often to have my daughters surround me as much as possible... So I do my best to stay very busy...A cup of Cuban coffee here, a dash of insomnia there, and my two daughters before, in-between, and after everything else. Hopefully this brief introduction gives a little bit of insight...I look forward to meeting many more of you, I hope all of those that I have already connected with communicate more, send me messages - connect with me on skype - camacho.manny - and I hope to work with many of you in the future... Thank you Stage 32. Emanuel F. Camacho, PMP

Paul Sumares

Glad to read this, Emanuel. and to hear how important your daughters are in your life and schedule. Same with me and my young son and daughter. I just got signed on to score a feature-length indie film with plenty of martial arts (mixed with sword fighting) ... you'd probably like it. See you around, here! ~Paul

LB McGill

I'm tired just reading that Manny! Ummm and yeah- you rock :)

Emanuel F. Camacho, Pmp

It is kind of a wall of text...hahaha

LB McGill

writers write :)

LB McGill

and what I really meant was you're very busy!

Earl Rivard

Very impressive and motivating, Emanuel. Thank you for sharing.

LB McGill

as one of the people he found here, I'm very very grateful for all his energy :)

Emanuel F. Camacho, Pmp

I didn't find you were already awesome before I met you... :P

LB McGill

sniff BACK TO WORK! :p

Sam Garrett

That's so true about using the site. Already I've found great connections in a few writers (well not so much connections as budding friendships) and I'm connecting with others on their projects as they are developed. It's such a great supplement to the auditions I do off-site and has given me that boost I need to really put myself out there. Thanks for posting this! You're giving me the motivation I need to keep going.

Kahish Kverdasmith

I am feeling really good about this site and thankful that it has creative focus above all else. Lets play hard and have fun. congrats Emanuel on your successes and may more follow will all.

Veronica Jeske

What a great post Emanuel! This site really is great - I've met wonderful people on here, had great discussions and even got an upcoming lead role in a short horror film! Keep up the good work!

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