Introduce Yourself : Greetings from the Movie Ogre by Robert Hammond

Robert Hammond

Greetings from the Movie Ogre

Hi! I'm Robert Hammond I'm a lifelong storyteller and film junkie, which I believe are important components of a screenwriter. So why did I earn my diploma from Humber College in Comedy Writing and Performing? I wanted to be a performer, a stand-up comedian specifically. Well, apparently there's more to being a comedian than sitting around writing jokes. You actually have to get on stage in front of an audience and entertain them, something I never felt comfortable enough doing to actually become any good at it. While in school, I learned that what I love is screenwriting, so after graduation I turned my focus exclusively there. I've since completed screenplays of varying quality in several genres. Some have earned recognition from contests, which is encouragement enough for me to continue creating with passion and dedication. I'm brand new to Stage 32 and I'm not really sure what to expect from the site. My ultimate goal is to connect with some like minded people so I can start to form an artistic cabal. I'm a pretty easy-going guy, so feel free to contact me about whatever's on your mind. My online nom de guerre is Movie Ogre. I hope you'll find me on Twitter - @MovieOgre And please stop by my blog where I discuss movies and screenwriting with a personal twist. Regards, RH

Dianne Maloney

Some people are here to promote themselves via blog, some are here to sell ...something. Tread carefully, Johnny........they, who can act in person. can also Look for integrety. Be Well

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