Financing / Crowdfunding : I'm Hiring Myself Out To Fund TV Project. Appropriate to Offer Employer a Producer's Credit? by Valerie Michele Oliver

Valerie Michele Oliver

I'm Hiring Myself Out To Fund TV Project. Appropriate to Offer Employer a Producer's Credit?

Hi. I wonder . . . Does anyone see any problems or issues with the following? Need to check my thinking on this one. I'm hiring myself out to fund my work on my original TV project. Does this mean they can be offered an Associate Producer or other credit on the pilot? Or are the two completely separate? Any guidance from film/tv colleagues? Consider that if funding my work was a Kickstarter or IndieGoGo project, there could be an Associate Producer's credit offered as one of the awards (from my research on film projects, there usually is), and Co-Executive Producer's credit for even higher financial contributions. No one "hires" themselves out as an "exchange" to fund anything. So my question is, does the same logic compute for "credit" by my hiring myself out? It popped in my head when I awakened this morning, and I'm not attached to it, but would like to know what you think about it. FYI: I'm in the midst of a 30 day challenge to fund my work on the project. I've created an event on Facebook for supporters (moral, advise, leads/referrals, etc.) to help me meet this challenge. Your support is welcome: Happy days! Val Thanks

Steven Christopher Wallace

Val, I would not do so. You risk screwing up your chain of title. If you do give someone credit in this way, (which you probably shouldn't) you now need them to sign over all their rights to you as a copyright holder. If you do not have a clear chain of title, you cannot sell your product. (or) If you do sell it, they can sue you for a % of your profits, and win. Because you didn't clear the copyright.

Valerie Michele Oliver

Thanks for offering your advise on this, Steven. I certainly don't want to do anything that jeopardizes the copyright integrity.

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