Your Stage : Are they necessary, and which ones? by Daniel Dore

Daniel Dore

Are they necessary, and which ones?

I've always wondered if it is necessary to have your film at the festivals. I'm not talking about Canne or the other large ones, because the answer is obvious. I'm talking more of the smaller ones, the ones that don't have all the big names. I've been wondering this for a while now. Your thoughts?

Ray Anthony Martinez

It depends, is it a feature? a short?

Daniel Dore


Ray Anthony Martinez

In my opinion, it doesn't matter anymore. Here's a good example: This movie was an "Official Selection" in more than 46 International Film Festivals, Nominated for more than 53 Awards and Commendations, Winner of more than 29 Awards and Commendations, including 18 for BEST PICTURE.... yet, they still couldn't get distribution! Save your festival entry money, and P&A costs, and self distribute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Harald Beran

I am making a film and I want people to see it, either in big or small festivals. I know I would definitely try to go to big and small festivals. You never know who is going to be in the festival, you could be surprised.

Mike Chinea

Definitely try to get your film in a festival. Festivals are fun and a great way to network with other filmmakers and industry people. Smaller festivals will not get you a distributor but will help you build buzz and as a filmmaker you are treated like a ‘Star from afar’. Here are some cold facts about festivals: Competition is brutal and chances of getting a distributor without recognizable talent are close to none. Thousands of films try to get into the few slots at Sundance and out of those that make it in only a handful get sold. And most of those sold had major reps like CAA.

Daniel Dore

This gives me some great input for the first project I'll do myself. Thank you all.

Noel Sargeant

It really depends on what you're trying to do. If this is the mode you've chosen to sell your movie I would hope that you had tried other avenues first. There are some movies that this will be their only route to being picked up. If it's a short, you may need to build some festival credits to get it put into a compilation for marketing. Mike had a great point about the possibilities of networking and learning. Not all festivals are going to offer those opportunities.

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