Hey everyone! I'm a director and editor who is looking to collaborate with some new friends. My most recent projects have been editing music videos, short films, and commercials however deep down inside I'm dying to get into more narrative productions. If anyone is a writer or just looking to get together for some projects I'm always on board, doesn't even matter the budget. Let's get creative! I'm in the LA area, but I'm game to collaborate via Internet. Thanks!
Hey Steve had an opportunity to check out your director's reel and the 1st trailer for "Darkest Shade of Red", which looks pretty impressive for a zero dollar budget. You're very talented and I would love the opportunity to collab with you in the future. I'm not quite ready to reach out but when I am I hope you are open to the suggestion.
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Hey Steve, great to meet you, I'm also looking for people who are interested in working together in creating more projects. Hopefully we can chat soon!
Thanks! It's awesome to meet you both and id love to talk when things start to come together :)
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I will definitely chat w u on my forthcoming project
screen writer here. check out my scripts short and long in my loglines and screenplays section.
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HI Steve, we have bunch of awesome projects but we faced the truth that it's really really difficult to work via internet and not being on the ground. Project is done, people did what they THOUGHT was right but results are disappointing. Wrong light, not enough shots, angles, wrong stylist work...Even genius-editor cant save the material. Did you have successful experience working via Internet on the creative projects?
Public Different Records, I think the times working via internet that HAVE worked for me was when there was a trust that the production could deliver the type of quality that is needed, but other than that it's 110% communication. If I client emails me I need to answer right away with any progress or any rough cuts so we can fix problems while moving forward. I always make sure to have cell phone numbers so we can even text or talk on the phone. If this is a project that's important than there is no shame in being needy and overly careful in my opinion. That being said, I worked with a vfx house in India and the communication was terrible. Sounds a bit like what you went through. Disasters!!
Hey steve, hit me up on facebook and/or myspace. We should be able to chat more there. i have a great idea for a short. Can be made low budget. Hit me up.
Hi Steve, I'm a writer.. I'd be glad to collaborate with you as I'm also looking for such men. Al the best and luck. Feel free to check out my project here and also my works on my twin blogs http://dayofluck.blogpsot.com & http://shauzelsailo.blogspot.com
Hi Steve, I would love to collaborate on a project. I am a writer, director, and producer with my company BE Entertainment & Productions. Let me know what you're looking to work on.
Hit me up bro. just finished producing a feature lenght movie