Acting : finding an agent so i can do commercials in los angeles CA by Alfred Goode

Alfred Goode

finding an agent so i can do commercials in los angeles CA

hi im having a hard time finding an agent in Hollywood so i can do commericals for work. Help is needed please

Alex Sarris

Hey, Alfred, you're in competition with 3 million others, you need to stand out and shine.

Miss Cheyenne Mitchell

I can certainly understand, Alfred. It is hard to figure out sometimes what Hollywood is looking for these days. I cannot believe some of the trash that I see them putting on television.

Alfred Goode

i no lets hope it gets better thks

Mark Ratering

Alfred your kind of a normal looking Joe but there are casting magizines there I forget the names now I think backstage is one and you can get it on line and submit a photo etc. Should have some credits may be to early for an agent for you.

Mark Ratering

I am correct backstage mag check it out

Rik Carter

When you say you are having a hard time finding an agent do you mean you are having a hard time finding an agent to take you on as a client or your don't know how to contact an agent?

Mike Chinea

Like Mark wrote, Backstage and you may want to heck out Breakdown Service. Here a link to their CD directory. Hope that helps.

Tyler Wolfe

You can also go to the bookstore Samuel French and pick up the monthly paperback book "The Agencies". If you get on IMDB Pro you can look up agencies and see the client list of each agency and submit accordingly. You should also check out for the business of acting. They have free orientation and will help you to navigate the Hollywood waters.

Michelle Clarke-Brown

Actors Access is another site you can join that shows what is upcoming and lists projects, and how to submit for audition to print a script to submit is a coupl of dollars worth checking it out. Brakdosn Service is also great. I got my first acting gig from Breakdown

Robin Chappell

Yes. Book commercials on your own, and agents will start calling. And beware of "agencies" that charge up front fees (unless it's a booking service, and there are many). Do more research and book some gigs. And trust me, It ain't easy. Oh, and there are agencies that specifically deal with Actors of Color. Talk to them first, cause they know and book for stuff that traditional agencies may not.

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