I'm developing a sci fi comedy webseries called the Invaders and I'm looking for effects artist to help me put it together. I'm a good ways into development. I have my facebook page http://www.facebook.com/TheInvadersWebseries but have not launched the website yet and I'm putting together a trailer and some viral clips for a kickstarter campaign.
Hi, is this a animated series or live action?
It's live action webseries - the art work is concept art for the effects artist, and potential investors to look at -
looks super cool, i can do sculpting, zbrush modeling, casting, appliance and mechanic work (mostly cable puppets but i have some working knowledge of rod puppets.).
Thanks Chris, those skills could come in handy.
Cool Afonso, send me a direct email contact in a private message and I'll keep you in the loop as we develop it.
Great guy for you is Jason Milligan (818) 281-7857. He absolutely killed a Horror Western trailer we did, Silvermoon. All reen screen and he made it look so GOOD! Great guy too.