Anything Goes : Beginnings are optional. Endings are guaranteed. by Amit Mehra

Amit Mehra

Beginnings are optional. Endings are guaranteed.

Men often die by what, who they love...Booze, drugs, food, money, cars, planes, ships, power or women. They live hating everything else. As some of you know, I am the biggest foodie crawling in the kitchen...any kitchen. I would travel galaxies to find a good cut of meat. A few months back, I started experiencing a pain in my abdomen and soon it became more frequent than my search for the next big meal. Three odd months back, I discovered that I have gallstones. The first casualty was my diet. So finally it had happened. Another relationship I loved was coming to an end. Yes, I have a relationship with my food, just like I did with some of the other vices listed above. The one with food has been the longest one I ever had. Even when everyone, everything left me, or I left them, what always remained was my relationship with food. Today, that too, is ending. Atleast, the way I knew it. I can still eat what I want but in a very small quantity and always with the fear of pain unless i eat what I don't want then I am safe. Needless to say, I lust for all that I can't have. Lust, is the deadliest sin. Everything you lust for, eventually kills you. In the end, despite all that you have collected, you are only left with memories of unfulfilled desires. Compared to that, everything else seems invisible. As if the whole world around you is unreal, imaginary, except the pain of longing for what you don't have. That is real. And then at some point even that will end, like the snuffed out wick of the last candle burning in a room full of nothingness. This makes me wonder, why do we begin anything when we know everything comes to an end. Even if we choose not to begin something, we will still experience an end. Like our lives, we can choose not to live it, but the end is guaranteed. Nothing lasts forever. Not even memories or dreams. So why do we painstakingly weave them? Imagine this - Somewhere at this very moment, someone is holding a beloved's hand for the first time and someone for the last time. They are both anxious. One is at the threshold of a beginning, the other at the gates of an end and yet they are both experiencing the same emotion. Their anxiety is actually the excitement emanating from their fear of the unknown. This is infact nothing to fear because it is an energy source that propels our journey to our next destination from wherever we are. The possibilities seem limitless even though they may not be but who is to know? Only those who have lived or died. Which is to say, everyone at some point or always but never never. And yet, we are constantly seeking comfort of the familiar. Seldom acknowledging that what really pleasures us is the very fear of the unknown that we are constantly dodging. Familiar is another word for pain. Comfort is another word for prison. Life is not about planting roots in a familiar land but leaving the shores of the womb, the warmth, to chase and burn in the raging fires of our imagination...because what is life if not a dream, defined by the sum total of our imagination or lack of it. Even something as real as sex is nothing if not an exploration of the form, the senses through the power of your imagination. Much like movies, music, love or food. So is the pain I experience every time I try to engage with my dying relationship with the food, imaginary or real? I don't know the answer to that but what I do know is this - There is no pain killer in the world better than distraction. And nothing distracts you like writing about an imaginary or real pain of love, longing or losing. So late last night when I was having another incident of pain, I chose to battle it with distraction in the form of this note. It worked. Eventually, I forgot about the pain and slept dreaming of the good beginnings of my relationship with food. When I woke up this morning, I thought to myself, this ended rather well. No matter how long the wick, how tall the candle, eventually the wax melts away but not before giving out a fantastic burst of flame with glorious light and fury of colours landscaping the darkness of the room one last time and perhaps that's what it's all about. Every time, we go looking for new beginnings, what we are actually craving for are spectacular endings. We just don't know it then... - Amit Mehra

Michelle York

Funny this..I am reading this posting after I sent you a message..I used the same words.."imagine this"... As far as food..I had a small vegetarian restaurant many years ago. I made the decision not to eat meat, not so much for my health but for the welfare of the cow. I lived in Hardwar & Delhi..I can give you some wonderful, simple, healthy vegetarian recipes if you are interested. I ate meat most of my life and am quite addicted to it..(it's the uric acid in meat that is so addictive.) but I have it under control by what I cook.. I like how your minds eye sees life..

Alan Waddell

I took care of my mom for 12 years, she had alzhiemers and during that time she had a severe gallbladder condition. I managed to cure her gallbladder problem with Olive oil and epsome salts, this also cleans out the liver. I saw the gallstones and I saw her recover from this without surgery. I drink Virgin Olive Oil every day now, a little shot once in a while will do. You must also understand the dangers of GMO. If you want to live and don't like being sick you should read up on the dangers of GMO and don't listen to what the news media says about it, there is no corn in the USA that is safe to eat.

Amit Mehra

Thank you Michelle for your kind words. I am right now in a no man's land with many roads visible but paths are blurred. This is good. I am catching my breath and introspecting.

Amit Mehra

Hi Alan, Thank you for sharing about your mom and the gallstones treatment. I have forwarded the same to my wife who is more knowledgable than me in all this. I am sure all this info you have provided will be very helpful. Cheers!

Michelle York

Amit, Last Xmas I experienced the most pain I have ever had..some sciatic thing that made it almost unbearable to I had to move very slooowwwlly...I laughed a lot..thinking how this was the 'universes' way of slowing me down. As a Gemini..I sped through my life like I was on roller-skates. A song kept going through my head constantly.."Slow down, you move too to make the moment last.." What an opportunity for you! Take the time to look at some of the things that I sent you..They are so healing on so many levels. Direction will come..It's your movie. Wishing you well..

Amit Mehra are right. I need to rediscover the slow motion. :-)

Eric Raphael Harman

I bet you miss Hostess! :) Trust me, it is not all that complicated or wordy. Just be Thankful you are alive and able to write as you do!

Amit Mehra

Hey John, I don't think I am being cynical or sad at all. Just sharing the thoughts going through my head as I experience the changes coming my way. Best inspiration for writing are slices of your own life. Are they not? :-)

Eric Raphael Harman

That they are!

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