I have not seen any crowd funding conversations going on and I was wondering... why? Is it that at Stage 32 no one has taken notice of what is going on? A real financial revolution in the making that is changing how films are being developed today. Well since the signing of the Jobs act by President Obama raising money for films is going to open great opportunities for filmmakers. I know because I am assisting filmmakers raise money through crowd funding so I would like to hear what some of the producers on Stage 32 think about this. I invite all to a conversation... including actors because some campaigns include kickers like playing a role in the films for which the money is being raised so in reality crowd funding affects everyone.
Crowd funding is a great start-but honestly who does it work for? If you look at statistics with regards to Kickstarter, a shocking number of successful campaigns never get finished and the people that invested do not get their rewards. The reason for this is because often times amateur filmmakers low-ball the cost of making a film and end up sinking in it later down the road. The truth is if you are a serious filmmaker and you want to make a serious film, it is going to cost money. If you are a producer, you should be looking to get a star attached (start out with trying to get a B-list actor attached), bring that to potential investors, along with a clear business and execution plan and go from there. Investors want to see a solid team of individuals that they believe can produce a marketable film so that they can get their ROI and earn a profit. I think crowd-funding is better used for smaller, short term projects such as short films. They cost much less money to produce and you are more likely to get the project made for the asking price.