This is Audiobooks and I'm Ross Ballard. Trying to own an audio book studio in West Virginia is not unlike trying to own a snow-cone stand at the North Pole. However, we've somehow survived for nearly 12 years. In that time I've crafted hundreds of voices giving life to characters who were mute until I found them languishing between the pages of some good 'regional' novel by some good 'regional' author who at the time was as hard up as me. I've also cautiously tip-toed through the public domain tulips to find a few gems lost to time (and royalties). In those years we've found ourselves understanding a great deal about audio book production, but squat about marketing. I hate marketing. I'm the microphone guy who loves telling a great story building an exciting experience on top of the written words of some very talented writers. I'm not the guy who understands how spending a thousand dollars for an ad with ZERO return is a good thing. sigh... Fortunately, our reviews in AudioFile Magazine, NPR, XMSirrus Radio, appearances on The History Channel,, has kept us going and the lights on. I can proudly say we're now one of the best known audio book publishers you never hear of. Thanks everyone. I'm off to the new studio. I'm feeling especially impish today. I'm mixing down a fun book today by Lee Maynard; "Screaming with the Cannibals". It's the sequel to the famous 'Crum' novel. Much to do...Let me hear from you guys.