Introduce Yourself : Web Design and Internet Marketing in 2013 Specials! by Eric Gilliland

Eric Gilliland

Web Design and Internet Marketing in 2013 Specials!

Hello everyone. My name is Eric Gilliland and I am the owner of an interactive marketing company Morninglight Media LLC. Although located in Detroit, Michigan, we have worked with clients all over the globe including the Jon Hunstman 2012 presidential campaign, University of Michigan, and much more. You can find our website at As 2013 approaches, I would like to introduce to all of my friends here at Stage32 our "New Year New Look" special! If you or your production require a website, social media presence, or any graphic design services or internet marketing, please contact me to discuss our 2013 specials. Merry Christmas to you all and looking forward to working with you soon! Sincerely, Eric Gilliland

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