Introduce Yourself : Hello! by Owen Radmore

Owen Radmore


Im MD/Producer at Rage Arts - a registered charity we give people of all ages the opportunity to work with professionals to create productions using film,theatre and music. Through these productions participants gain self esteem & confidence and skills to help them take the next step in their life or careers. We run the Urban Film Club giving people the opportunity to work alongside professionals to create their own short films. We run The Rage Ensemble giving people the opportunity to create there own theatre productions. Each year we introduce thousands of young people to the magic of theatre with our annual touring theatre production this year seen by over 6,000 young people. There are a number of opportunities paid and voluntary for people to become part of these projects. Owen.

Owen Radmore

We are also in very early stages of developing the world wide feature film. We are looking for a writer.

Owen Radmore

A music video we recently produced

Jenna Park

Sounds like a really cool thing you do Owen! I am a writer, anymore info on what you are looking for? I would love to participate!

Owen Radmore

1) Writer for world wide feature film, bringing the world together to make a feature film. 2) Writer to develop short film script/outline from ideas of a group 3) Writer for Christmas production touring to primary schools, children aged 4 to 11

JT Velikovsky

Hey Owen What you do sounds supercool. See what you make of this: Cheers JT

Shawna Farwell

What a great charity.

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