. hope if you watch my youtube channel..need more viewers..thank you...its about a very nice design to a big and famous square (Tahrir square) hope if you enjoy it ! also hope to bring us some viewers..its part of a contest and other designers having their own designs and channels...this is my design against designers working together in big and wealthy companies part of the same contest..its greatly welcome if you can add our link to your own visitors if that wont bother anyone! my design is already with the Egyptian Army righ now in its physical model .. the design provide Tahrir square A HUGE Landmark over the area of the entire square which gathered millions of the Egyptian people during 2011 revolution .. the main Landmark is over 1km sq. simple and not so expensive paints regullay used can help us all to recognize the main Landmark of Egypt's most famous square pretty time before any pilot decide to land at cairo airport...the face of a huge warrior will be always there ...face, head. an eye. all covered with paints like an ironic suite tools to do thst are the already existing buildings which all are going to be part of this suit including the american university in cairo.. l also going to use streets inside the whole area to bring viwers from any high spot the view of three massive huge animals and one massive huge bird..all in one common eye which is also the eye of the huge warrior.. the design also included sub designs which also considered as a smaller Landmarks but much bigger than many other Landmarks made by other designers.. you can enjoy the clip if you can imagine how it was pretty hard work to put things all together and use all details inrelationship with the main event like freedom star which has a complete face made of both starting and ending dates of the will never forget the look of the yellow star once you find out how l designed it...Thank you ..wish you all a good day...