Your Stage : Question by Leon Reaper

Leon Reaper


now once i have done this film, would it be in my best interest to put it into a festival? or would it be easier just to skip it and go straight to a distributor? Pros-Cons? distribution and promoting isnt in my strong field and i dont have knowledge in that part of it. Can someone answer? Thanks! Leon

Rik Carter

There is no "easier". If you finish your film and a distributor wants it then you should go with the distributor first. However, if that doesn't happen then festivals are a fine way to start. Of course the best method is to get a distributor right away and have them pay you upfront so you can start on your next one.

Leon Reaper

ok thanks mate, i heard theres different methods they pay you...either by each sale they make or a upfront price? that true?...

Leon Reaper

i mean, what if the movie you make, makes more money than what they give you in total :S.

Leon Reaper

(if its a straight upfront payment)

Deanna Scott

Are you feeling mill you're with the film festival that Robert Redford has eveey year? The Blair Witch Project with submitted through his festival and they won an award so you might want to try there

Deanna Scott

when you're done with your movie come and talk to me I have a movie for you

Leon Reaper

oh ok deanna, without giving anything away can you give me a few hints to the genre of the movie your wanting done? :)

Rik Carter

Leon, there are many different distribution deals. The good ones offer money upfront and a percentage. Depending on the film you may not receive an offer like that.

Leon Reaper

ok thank you rik :). your awesome, cheers!

Leon Reaper

WOOOW! thanks man, great advice :) i will do that then, notify em first before shooting :D

Leon Reaper

can you tell me whos my best bet to try? do i go on each distributor website to tell them?

Leon Reaper

do i put it on youtube or something? sorry haha distribution is not my expertise :P

Leon Reaper


Leon Reaper

oh oh! i can do film posters aswell!!

Leon Reaper

omg omg omg! i have the most wicked trailer in my head right now. Thanks you Art Thomas!!!!

Rik Carter

It’s very rare that a first time filmmaker will get a distribution deal before they make the film. However, if you think you can get a deal before you make your movie then your “best bet to try” are the ones that have distributed films similar to the one you want to make. Now go out and make that wicked trailer!

Leon Reaper

Yes Sir! :P

Bryce Albertson

My opinion? Everything looks better with a laurel wreath or two on it.

Leon Reaper

hahaha :P oh my mary and joseph! i have just done the most wicked narration of a trailer, i have ever seen in my life!!!!

Leon Reaper

(written it btw)

Leon Reaper

the narrators script im on about

Leon Reaper

shivers go down spine

Julian Nabunya

what will happen if you don't get a deal ? no doubt you will come back to bottom line , struggle for screening , i think if your problem is to work it out , then find some one who can fix it . other wise . some people do shorts take them to fest and seek for distrubution deal for feature . cos trialler it can't work for festival , web or else knocking people's doors . and that's more harder than festivals . i wish you the best of luck .

Leon Reaper

dont worry :) i will have lots up my sleeve with this one. :D

Julian Nabunya

then no need , of going if you sure of where you going to .

Leon Reaper

the trailer i wanna do is awesome, i can contact many distribution companies and festival wise, well lets say they'd be stupid not to accept ;)

Leon Reaper

Thanks man, i will do it like that :) happy new year to you lot, i hope successes go your way

DJ McDivitt

The idea is to sale your film. If you have Distribution without a film festival then great. If you don't, then use the film festival to find distribution. :-)

Georgia Hilton

IMHO - If you are out to "prove yourself" and revenue is secondary, then knock yourself out send it out to festivals. But if you are trying to make a film, distribute it , and make money... then film festivals are mostly indie film maker masturbation. If you want to get a distribution deal then you need the following: 1. a great script 2. a name director ( or at least a qualified director.... ) 3. a couple of BOX OFFICE DRAW talent in the cast. With these you can possibly get a pre-distribution deal. I have a 2500 screen deal on a project i'm producing with Freestyle entertainment. But it didn't come easy. It was a LOT of work. I'm working to close another pre-distribution deal on a second script right now. or... shoot your film and go after a distribution deal at the back end. Hopefully you shot a commercially viable film with good talent and decent production value. if not.. well there is always the film festival path... There is a slight possibility you could get noticed and land a deal... but you are probably better off playing the lottery with your money... There are literally millions of great ideas out there, thousands of scripts, and hundreds of projects ready to roll... only a handful ever get made. So if you want to stand out in the crowd... you need a very very good TITLE, LOG LINE, SYNOPSIS, SCRIPT and PRODUCERS PACKAGE... then ... maybe... someone will notice. ....of course a lot of Crap gets made as well...

Leon Reaper

Thanks for the advice geogia, means alot. erm yeah i know what your saying about a good name actor, but they make a film unbelieveable. sure maybe im a tiny bit more successful i will use (A) well known actor to attract but even top actors can be crap in certain roles if the scripts not what they are used to....reminds me of a film with cuba gooding Jr as a soldier.....anyway yeah i see what your saying. this script has many things in it so i have confidence. theres cannibalism, horror,frights, empathy & sympathy combo, desertion, desperation and dread all in one :)

Leon Reaper

my aim: make george A romero shite himself

Georgia Hilton

doesn't have to be an A lister... it just has to be a good or group of good box office draw actors... a lot depends on the budget and the type of flick you are making... In order to get a pre-distribution deal , its all about the package, since you don't have a film to prove yourself with yet. ... in the end... it's all about a kick-ass story whether it's a go fast action or a slow burner... its about the script... if you script isn't top notch and doesn't stand out... "ain't nothin' gonna help"

Leon Reaper

btw im being producer and director. im not well known but if i let someone else do it of ''high reputation'' then id have a silly looking remake -___-. anyway only the writer knows what the creation he has made, is what it should look like. he's the guy that pictured it physically with his mind - My philosophy anyway

Leon Reaper

well it does stand out. being set in the victorian era and a zombie film kinda speaks for itself -___- the characters wont be using slang now will they? in this script it will be expressing it how they would be like. attitudes of that time

Leon Reaper

with war and human loss all wrapped in one.

Leon Reaper

and all the feelings of trying to stay alive in a environment that their is 100% no chance of getting out alive or even remembered....

Leon Reaper

Theres also a spiritual element to it aswell!

Leon Reaper

dont worry, i have gotten used to peoples - doubt :). my esteem wont be affected

Leon Reaper

I have seen movies get distributed and they have made it with less than £100 :P

Leon Reaper

yes i am....if i cant wont be distributed after putting my heart and soul in this with everything thats different about it, then thats a piss-take....seriously!

Leon Reaper

cant be*

Leon Reaper

i got the movie on DVD

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