Reel Jem, Inc. is casting "Reflecting Adrian(ne)", a dramatic short film about a boy who escapes his abusive past through a female alter ego in the mirror. Seeking union/non-union talent for all roles - Young Adrian - (12 years or older) must look very young. Caucasian with brown eyes and brown hair. Note...this role requires wearing women's lingerie in a non-sexual way but exploring gender identity. Actor must be mature and respectful. Kelly - (over 21) actress must read in teens. Character is wild and edgy. Judy - (any age) playing the maid. 4 lines. Please submit headshot, resume and links to reel (if available) to before January 10. Auditions will be held by appointment only at Champions Studios 257 West 39th Street, 14th floor on January 13th. Sag-Aftra Short Film Agreement Pending. Pay is deferred, credit, copy, meals and transportation is provided. Production Personnel: Michael Angelo, Director. Jennifer Munley, Executive Producer/Producer. Tommy Merrill, Executive Producer. Ree Merrill, Writer/Producer