Anything Goes : Favorite film of 2012? by Gianna Isabella

Gianna Isabella

Favorite film of 2012?

Just wondering what everyone's favorite film of the past year is?

Roy Phillips

Django Unchained

A.J. Law

The Hobbit...

Peter Savigny

Samsara. Released in 2011 but I saw it in 2012.

Gina Armstrong Kelly

"This Must Be The Place" with Sean Penn

James Byrne

The Master

George Pappas

Django Unchained.

Denise Cruz-Castino

I'd have to say either Argo of LIfe of Pi.

Becky Tucker

Haven't seen Life of Pi or Anna Karenina yet, but so far, Seeking a Friend for the End of the World was surprisingly good.

Malcolm Carter

Lincoln, I'm a junkie for that classic filmmaking style and SS nailed it IMHO..... followed by Argo and Zero Dark Thirty

Milo Coello


Shannon Ratigan

Skyfall. (Will Skyfall get James Bond a 1st ever Best Picture Oscar Nomination, probably not, and it's a shame because as a fan who loves all the Bond films, I think it was the best yet. And Javier Bardem was the best Bond villain ever. (He was also in No Country for Old Men, and won Best Supporting Actor in that one.) Life of Pi was brilliant also.

Parker Reeve

Moonrise Kingdom

Matt Milne

no major films released this year have made my list it's been a very lean year for the film industry, though there have been a few very good and interesting indie projects.

Dale Sumner

OK I'll be the first: 'The Dark Knight Rises'! I know that opinion on this film is greatly divided on this one, but I am naming this film simply because of the way I felt after I had watched it - completely blown away! I haven't felt like that since watching 'The Empire Strikes Back' for the first time, and that was a long time ago!

Daniel Thorpe

It'll have to be between The Dark Knight Rises and Moonrise Kingdom for me. I'm looking forward to Django: Unchained finally coming out over here next Friday though.

Leon Reaper

i dont think much has come out in 2012 that has really got me attentention

Gerry Satrapa

Didn't see many films this year, but the standouts for me were Dark Knight Rises and Skyfall. The production design was amazing in both. I thought Iron Sky was amazing too, not because it was a great movie, but because of how it received funding and the social interaction and engagement through Facebook. 2013 will see the release of at least two features I worked on; Theatre of the Dead and Galore. That'll be fun!

Evan Marlowe

Argo, hands down, of the ones I saw. That film fired on all cylinders. Written, directed and acted brilliantly. A popcorn movie with intelligence. Affleck getting snubbed was an error (and also not seeing Bigelow or Tarantino on the list makes me feel like the Oscar selections were arbitrary). Notable mention to Beasts of the Southern Wild. Loved Amour, but best film or director? SLP was okay but not worthy of those noms. I was disappointed by DKR.

Lauren B.

Moonrise Kingdom loved the camera work

Ommi Milner

I'm gonna have to go with the AVENGERS!!!

Stephan Barker

So many good films! And so many I haven't seen (yet!) One that I really enjoyed was The Odd Life of Timothy Green.

Bruno Machado Gomes

"The Robbery" written by me

Jeremy Hunter

I still have a lot of films to watch but from the films I saw "Django Unchained" was by far the most entertaining movie of the year. "The Master" fell short and it's no wonder why, reading some of it's screenplay it looked like it was the rough draft when it was produced and was sloppy to say the least. I hear there's a lot of talking heads in "Lincoln" and I believe the Acadamy purposely left Ben Affleck and Katheryn Bigalow out of the running on purpose so "Lincoln" would win all the big awards including SS for Best Director. I honestly wasn't much of a fan of "Argo" for a variety of reasons which includes the fact that the movie had no charecter development whatsoever and the script was bland. So from what I watched so far-- I still have a lot to watch "Django Unchained" was the best of the year.

Vasco Phillip de Sousa

The Hunger Games. It was just the right length, had a story, and seemed to adapt the book well.

Rachael Saltzman

Beasts of the Southern Wild.

Dave Stair


Rachael Saltzman

Interesting, with all the shouting out to indie love elsewhere here, that most people's favorites were studio pictures.

Vasco Phillip de Sousa

I didn't get to see a lot of indies last year unfortunately. 3D means that the big studio films take twice as many screens (one for the 2D, one for the 3D version.) I'm looking forward to watching the French film "Amour" and others on DVD. (Hopefully they'll release them in the cinema around here sometime.)

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