Acting : IMDb?? by Debbie Jennings

Debbie Jennings


What are your thoughts on IMDb? I have a page (below) but most of my work is industrial and commercial. I do a few film projects. I list my work under the resume section. I hear IMDb has also recently made a lot of changes. What weight do you give the program as it is today and what about people like me who do more of the "other stuff"

Matthew Cornwell

It's still used quite a bit by industry pros, and is considered a highly respectable, comprehensive resource.

Debbie Jennings

Thanks Matthew!

Rachael Saltzman

For those who actually work in the business, IMDB is mostly bullshit. It's a social site for people to talk about their favorite actors, for the most part. Having a pro account is useful for getting the information of production companies. As a way to find a track record of non A list actors and crew? Pointless. It doesn't cover industrials, commercials, music videos, live events, etc. People for a while could add themselves to anything, or create projects that never existed. Large productions don't add every below the line name. I get all my work through references, and we all know how pointless IMDB actually is. You're fine - just have a resume, list of works, and a reel.

Mark Ratering

Indy's won't be there and that's where we are now.

Rachael Saltzman

Wrong again. Any work that has a proof of screening can be listed there, provided the producer goes through the effort.

Debbie Jennings

interesting feedback thx! I understand they did recently make changes making projects more difficult to add. I am just looking for validity in the market on how you are perceived if you do more industrial and commercial work than film. If you look at mine, I have a few film titles but go to resume and you will see the other items. Wondering how that looks to a director or producer looking to consider me for a large production because I was just facing this issue. thx

Mark Ratering

That's not what I mean Rachael. I'm an Indy film-maker and find my own funds for making movies. I don't pay atten I have other ways checking you out !!!!

Rachael Saltzman

(Putting on casting hat) It puts you miles ahead of someone with no experience. If it were a cold mailing, I'd definitely invite you to audition if I felt you fit an available role, and be comfortable knowing that you've been in front of the camera, and have on set experience. Mark, you're not making any sense at all now. Yes, a google search or asking around in your network is also a good way to find out about people. More important, is how a person conducts themselves. I'm not sure exactly what you're trying to say. Being able to communicate clearly and professionally is also quite important.

Mark Ratering

Don't put to much stock in IMDB I do all my films in India The Philippines And the Middle East. So a great film-maker may not have Hollywood resume, all my US films were on there now there gone so who cares.

Debbie Jennings

good info thx! Rachael that actually helps me :)

Rachael Saltzman

Anytime. I sometimes IMDB someone I'm working with, just to see - I've never bothered before hiring someone. If someone starts talking themselves up and pretending to be a major producer, it's a convenient way to call bullshit. Again, a pro account can be useful if you're trying to option a screenplay or find distribution, because you can see the info of the production companies. It's a tool for finding addresses, like a big virtual rolodex. Otherwise, don't worry about it. And the 'star meter' is even more meaningless. (it's just about how many hits your page gets.) Mine shot up a few times - always for tangentially related reasons. Overall, it means absolutely nothing.

Patty Sherman

It is a place when seeking new agents or managers they check to see if the credits are there. Gives a sense of being a pro and legimate actor to be there when someone googles your name. Anyone can have a web page, be on Face Book, Linkedin and have a blog. You need all of these really, but IMDb and adding your reel or clips there also helps. Means if an agent or manager is considering having a meeting with you or someone else is thinking of having you audition for them they do not have to ask you to send your reel or clips, it is all there for them to see before hand. Not everyone's webpage comes up when googled so many just check IMDb.

Simon W. Golding

I personally do approve of IMDb and they do take seriously items you try and get on there - especially if it is incorrect. Of course as someone pointed out you can get uncredited listings in - but again they are uncredited so not sure it is of too much importance. I used to really rate the ranking system when I was 61,000 but now I am over 200,000 not so much! Simon Golding

Chuck Dudley

IMDB can be a quick source of reference to help some nervous industry folks feel comfortable working with new people. A personal website showing the individual's reel or work history can do the same thing.

Adrian Sierkowski

I have an IMDB. You'll have an IMDB, we'll all have IMDBs if we do work. Personally, I make sure all the projects I've shot on IMDB have the right technical specs-- and I use it to look at other things technical specs. But, as to it getting me work? I don't think so... not from anyone really in the industry. And I'm certainly not going to pay for a pro account... but then again i'm not an actor. Of course there's a signal to noise ratio on the site, as there are all sites; but I'd say once you get a few IMDB credits, or a few films under your belt, it behooves you to pop over to IMDB and keep your listing updated (with a free account you can update projects ect). You never know where people hiring you may look. But, save the $50/yr or whatever it costs to buy drinks for people who may hire you.

David Navarro

I use it all the time. It is my go to site. If someone new wants to work on my crew and they send me a resume, I always check it against IMDB to ensure that they are not embellishing it.

Mark Ratering

If my crew doesnt embellish their resume I don't want em course these days only 3 of my crew speak english !!!!

Matt Milne

like all resume services, the IMDb offers minimal help. it's a starting point, not proof of abilities or recognition. You still need your casting and recruiting instincts to know if a person will be right for your project. it's a great source for trivia and general knowledge but it's limited for anything else.

David Navarro

@mark... ok Bowfinger... what did you do, go and find your crew over at home depot?...LOL @matt... well first off IMDB is not a resume service which is most likely why they are no help. After working on as many projects as I have; I believe I know what to look for in terms of crew... What I am referring to is: if candidate puts on their resume that they were a "Rigger" and when I look on the IMDB and it states that they are a "Set P.A." it helps me know where to direct questions. Furthermore, if a potential candidate has forty projects listed on their resume and all the projects are listed on IMDB yet their name appears nowhere on any of said projects, it would be safe to assume they were -- embellishing their resume. I find it fairly interesting that some who slam IMDB tend to only have about 3 or 4 credits; if any at all, to their name.... I am well aware all these sites are part of a process to gauge ones experience level -- some being more important than others, and each piece to at times a very difficult and confusing puzzle, much like this site is just another tool/resource. With all that said, I understand how IMDB is used by our industry and ensure that my information is accurate and up to date and make every attempt to add whomever works on my crew gets listed on the project as well as my resume and my website.

Mark Ratering

See Senor David I will lug you C stands and mow your lawn too. No David I work out of India and trust my P.M. to translate. Filipino's speak english. Arabs mostly speak a little english

Mark Ratering

I hate saying the "old days" but if you worked for a studio, like I worked for Warner and Oniversal you got your check from the studio but worked for a production at the studio. I worked for top productions but no credit. I didn't care.I had great contacts and always had work. I was PM and Assoc. Producer on 3 big films. I bitched and sued them cuz they were screwing my crews no overtime and late on credit. It's not as simple as it seems.

Matt Milne

@Mark Ratering is right. The IMDB is a great starting point, but it is by no means a comprehensive, guaranteed accurate history of employment. like wikipedia, it should not be used for fact-checking.

Mark Ratering

I will never hire anyone with a IMDB... see it does hurt you see...just kidding

Mark Ratering

My extended family quit on me years ago !!!!

Nathan Ross Freeman

IMDB is like a membership card for Hollywood with absolutely no benefits, but you have to show it at the door. But you can always sneak in or pay the guy at the door a lot of money

Debbie Jennings

Good conversation guys - thanks!

Georgia Hilton

IMDB... not so great, IMDBpro, better... it gives you a LOT of contact data for talent, agents, companies etc. For a "resume" it sucks.. I have more credits by a factor of 2 to 1 than show up on IMDB, including a number of international films, commercials, videos, corporate videos, and live events, not to mention the credits i've just given up trying to get posted. The best thing to do is to keep a REAL resume updated, try to keep your IMDB RESUME up to date ( the Resume page, not the main page ) and do your best to keep IMDB updated in general, because it's still a go to site for better or worse.

Chuck Dudley

Roger Ebert in his review of Broken City used IMDB for more info on up and coming actress Alona Tal: "I looked up Alona Tal because she's such crackerjack fun in "Broken City." According to the Internet Movie Database, she was born in Herzlia, Israel, once recorded a song with Wyclef Jean, came in second for the role of "Veronica Mars" and served in the Israel Defense Forces. So there's that."

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