Cinematography : The Next Step by Chris Bourke

Chris Bourke

The Next Step

Hey Stage 32, I'm a senior cinematography student in the film program at UT Austin in Texas, graduating this May. Throughout the past few months, I've been seeking advice and insight on the next step once I graduate. My life goal is to become a member of the ASC, and I realize how far away that is. I'm doing everything I can to grow as a cinematographer by learning everything I can, from every source, and pushing myself to try new things with light and camera every chance I get. I absolutely love the tools of visual storytelling, and finding different methods of communicating through cinematography. I would greatly appreciate anything you all have to say about what you think I should do after graduation, where I should be, where I should apply, who I should try to meet, what films I should watch, what I should read, or any other information you all have to offer. This is such a great, helpful community, and I'm thrilled to be a small part of it. Thank you for your time! Best, Chris Bourke

Parker Reeve

What you should do after graduation is use the contacts you made in school to get work. I envy you. I didn't go to school; people are always telling me you make connections there that will help in your career. Me? I had to fend for myself; moving to a new town in a new state with no money, no friends no contacts... I figure you have read all the books you need to read so now you need to work as an AC and operator with established DP's and shoot your own projects when you can.

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