Anything Goes : Superbowl commercials and Pizza! by Gary Craig

Gary Craig

Superbowl commercials and Pizza!

The ads for the Superbowl are half a million MORE dollars this year than last. If you want to advertise, it will cost you a whopping 4 million dollars for a 30 second spot! Pizza joints all across America are getting ready for the biggest pizza order day of the year. Here's one of my annoying pizza calls. How may ways can I order a pie?

Tiffy Diamond

Hahaha very funny!

Ted King

Oh too funny! I loved the last one best!! You need to find one that advertises "World's Best..." and ask them what criteria they used! I would love to hear that!!

Gary Craig

Thanks Ted!

Gary Craig

Glad you got a laugh

Lauren Hoeks

hahaha that was really good

Tousha Peoples

you stupid funny lmao

Gary Craig

Thanks for the kind words

Tousha Peoples

You welcome i will keep watching your show and support. Im just getting starting trying to find connections wish me luck

Sandra Santiago

That is hillarious Gary similiar to what wynk does calling people up like telemarketers. So funny. Have a good night.

Gary Craig

Thanks Sandra for the kind words

殷 宏新

Your friend shot ads it?

Gary Craig

Not sure I understand your question

Sandra Santiago

Hey Gary I told a few people and they thought it was funny too. I was not sure if you have a facebook page, but if you did I will let them know, because they are not mebers of stage32 and not in the business but that would be a way they could ck it out. Have a great day.

Gary Craig

You can go on youtube and type in Gary Craig the Crank Call King and a bunch will come up

Gary Craig

Hahahaha! That makes me happy that it gave you a laugh!

Gary Craig

Thanks Sean

Sandra Santiago

I love the part about maintenance, it fell apart etc.I laughed and laughed

Gary Craig

It's so's funny! It makes sense...the pizza arrived in pieces, so it has to be glued back together again!

Sandra Santiago

Yes it does make sense I wish I could think of things like that. Glad someone else does. I love how everyone has such unique differences. I also listened to the other calls on youtube they are just awesome, I love how some of them say I love you to. It's great have a nice day. Check back with you later.I gotta head out to a party. Later Gary

Gary Craig

Thanks for sharing Susan

Rayea Lang

I love it! Awesome work.

Gary Craig

Thanks Rayea!

Marcello Aurelio Lanfranchi

You're a jerk, but you have a great voice.

Ryan C. Bogdewic

This is really good, and funny. But it does sound scripted, even the callers on the other line sound scripted. Not that that's a bad thing. Good work.

Gary Craig

Hey Ryan. Thanks for the comment. There are alot of guys out there, that get voice actors to be the person or people on the other end of the phone. I'm not one of them! This call is absolutely real. I love getting people like that because I always say afterwards, I couldn't have found someone better if I had scripted it!!

Lina Jones

Very entertaining kept me interested til the end.

Gary Craig

Thanks for sharing it!

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