Introduce Yourself : Need 5000 votes for finals of nextv acting search by sunday night!!! by John C. Bailey

John C. Bailey

Need 5000 votes for finals of nextv acting search by sunday night!!!

DEADLINE 2/10, 11:59PM PST!!! ***I NEED FIVE THOUSAND VOTES BY 2/10 IN ORDER TO ADVANCE FINALS!! STAGE 32 FRIENDS, WE ARE OVER 10,000 STRONG! WE CAN DO THIS!!! Friends, I’m John C. Bailey. I’m not a sociopathic steel baron in real life but I play one on TV (ahem~The Men Who Built America~ahem). I’m makin’ the big move to LA sometime in the next year and all kinda important people can’t wait to greet me. “John, you mean they already know how wonderful you are?” That’s where you come in friends. The NexTV Acting & Directing Competition sends one lucky winner to Hollywood for all sorts of ‘portant meetings. BUT, the key is making it to the finals where agents & managers from ICM, ACA, The GERSH Agency as well as casting directors representing Paramount, Disney, Peter Jackson, Steven Spielberg, etc., will SEE MY WORK. “We’d love to help, John!! What simple steps that only take five minutes can we take??” Glad you asked: 1) GO TO THE LINK BELOW, scroll down to my name (#33, John C. Bailey) and CLICK “VOTE” next to the word “Watch” (feel free to watch my reel on YouTube. It’s pretty cool.) Repeat on your mobile device, your Ipad, etc. ***2) PLEASE FORWARD THIS LINK TO YOUR ENTIRE STAGE 32 NETWORK AND ASK THEM TO FORWARD IT TO THEIRS!! 3) If you are one of those TECH-SAVVY TYPES that can post the link to sites where it will BLOW UP and go VIRAL, please do!!! Thanks so much y'all. You’re all invited to the Oscars after-party, and if you EVER need my help, you know where to find me. Cheers ~ jb ~ Film & TV Reel:

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