Hi everyone, I've got some good interest on my short film I've written (check out my project section of my profile, it's called TRACKS). Just wanted to see if anyone can share some methods as to how to get funding and producers attached to the project. That currently is the only thing holding me back from getting the project started. Does this site have production teams/companies on it? Or should I be looking to find them elsewhere?
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Make a trailer, and start a Kickstarter campaign.
Does it have to be actual footage or can I put together a pitch on video?
http://fortheindependentproducingmind.blogspot.com/ Check this out. He's got some good stuff!
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Yeah, that shouldn't be too hard. In addition to that, I was looking at what Rian Johnson did with Looper for a pitch video as well, pretty cool: http://www.theatlantic.com/video/index/263563/
I agree with making a trailer, but I recommend indiegogo rather than kickstarter. You wont get the funds on kickstarter if you don't reach your goal unlike indigogo. Be reasonable with the amount of funds you want to raise, there are very cost effective ways to make a film that don't break the bank. Your first film is usually the greatest learning experience and then you will truly become a filmmaker.
Yeah, this project is really challenging me in preparation and organization. I'm making sure all bases are covered because I know going in prepared is the only way to be successful without a major headache!