I am a storyboard artist trying to navigate the treacherous waters of promoting one's self. I worked personally with Ryan Phillippe on his latest feature and have done a couple of other projects since then. I think I'm ready to transition into a professional career as a storyboard artist but not sure if I can do it on my own. Does anyone know how to attract an agent or know when the time is right to obtain one?
I'm not aware of agents for storyboard artists. I don't know if there is enough margin in a storyboard artists salary to warrant an agent being interested, however I've never looked. You need to get connected with producers and directors. Why don't you contact Frederico D'Alessandro here and ask him how he got connected with Marvel and how you should get started. http://thefilmartist.com/ When he told me his story, I believe it was through submitting his art portfolio for job applications to all the major studios.
Thanks Cory. Are you a storyboard artist as well?
Check ActionArtists, 310artists, famousframes
I'm a producer. Frederico is a storyboard artist.
You also might try networking with various Production Designers. They can probably recommend you for jobs as well. I think Cory is on the right track. I don't think you want to go the route of an agent. It'll eat into your salary. Self Promotion is always a key in this business...
If you're trying to get an agent hang around the scene of accidents - because they all need a heart.
Thanks for the advice everyone and thanks for the heads up Kevin.
keep getting yourself out there as much as you can, you never know. generally the role of agents is being replaced by direct contact and online networking.