Everyone in the film industry should be informed and warned of the unfair and illegal ways the following Austrian production company conducts business: KGP Kranzelbinder Gabriele Production GmbH Seidengasse 15/3/9, A-1070 Vienna, Austria www.kgp.co.at Someone should make it public and let everyone in Europe and the rest of the world know that KGP abuse their power and are not paying their crew as promised; and the saddest part is that they get their funding from various Austrian and Italian film commissions. From my research it seems that this production company has made it a habit of not honoring its contracts with its independent contractors. The film world is ultimately small and production companies that don't respect the people working for them will sooner or later be outed. KGP should not get away with this just because these crew members do not want to go to court. It is our duty to inform and warn all film networks about the poor way this company conducts business.