Introduce Yourself : Delno Ebie - Actor, Screenwriter, Director, Producer, Filmmaker, Photographer, Ballroom & Latin dancer and instructor, Acting coach. by Delno Ebie - Actor (sag-aftra)

Delno Ebie - Actor (sag-aftra)

Delno Ebie - Actor, Screenwriter, Director, Producer, Filmmaker, Photographer, Ballroom & Latin dancer and instructor, Acting coach.

Hello everyone. It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm getting ready to head back to LA after being gone for almost a decade to raise my son who has Down Syndrome. 9 years and 10 surgeries later he's healthy and striving, so it's time to get back up on the horse and reestablish myself in Hollywood again. Even though I have been out of the "LA' scene I kept working, doing independent feature films and writing and producing some shorts, and becoming a professional headshot photographer. I'm looking forward to continued opportunities in film and television and would love the chance to audition for any projects you might think me right for. Keep reaching for the stars and God Bless. Delno Ebie

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