Introduce Yourself : Screenwriter. by Michael Elsey

Michael Elsey


Greetings. I am a recovering philosopher, an award winning screenwriter and I currently work as Director of Digital Media for an educational nonprofit. I have had some great success with screenwriting contests but still looking for that producer to fall in love with my screenplays. I look forward to connecting with other creators passionate about film.

Niam Itani

In which genre do you write, Michael?

Michael Elsey

Mostly indie dramas. My screenplay Language of Leaves is a coming of age story. Vinegar to the Teeth is about an ex union fixer coming to the aid of oppressed migrants.

Lina Jones

Hi, Micheal recovering philosoper, couln't have been that bad.. Best wishes on your new position.. Knock um dead! :D

Michael Elsey

:) thanks.

Michael Elsey

I was thrown out of college for cheating on the metaphysics exam: I looked into the soul of another boy. Woody Allen

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